Friday, April 26, 2019


Hello lads!

We're getting to the home stretch here so it's time to kick off the last few alerts. First off, thank you to those who have offered to bring tables!

We are still looking for another 1 or 2 just to cover our bases and not rely too much on any one individual or group in case of unforeseen circumstances.

I'm looking towards the MN boys, who's table offerings have been a little light compared to their number. Another Strompost Alpha in that red/cream would round out our battlegrounds quite nicely! Can any of you get your mitts on such a table? (No mat necessary)

I do have one other request and that is Network Node tokens! Some folks may have hand crafted their own already. Is anyone willing to make special Network Node tokens for everyone to use? Please let me know. I

f it's not clear, I am keeping a list of all the folks helping out with the event and they absolutely get special treatment! (Typically expressed as comradely noogies but you never know what these guys might get away with!)

If you are distressed that you haven't had a chance to help out yet, don't panic! Everyone will have a shot with the Charity Raffle, which I will elaborate on in the next alert.

Lastly, we do have a couple spots yet. At this point I will consider folks on a ringer basis. If you have a bud who maybe isn't the best player or isn't into tournaments but might tag along if they got in freebs, so if you can wrangle them in. If the event is uneven, I will drop them in. If the event is even, they can act as one of my enforcers when I declare martian law.

Lastly lastly, if you didn't see on WGC, I posted one of this year's prizes. One of you boners gets to take this home!

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